.: Don't Have An Eye For Design? :.

Need help finding the right words? Or you simply don't have the time it takes to make an eye catching splash page? Then I may be able to help. I build splash pages based on your internet marketing needs. You simply tell me what you want, give me some details and let me handle the rest.

Challenge me to make the best possible splash I can for you. Prices are $12.50 a page. (Hosting costs yet to be set.) Or $15.00 a page if you choose to host your self.


For A Limited Time : Receive A 125 x 125 or A 468 x 60 Banner With Your Splash

.: Current Works :.

Featured Page

Here is an example of a basic splash page I made for a cross promo for tezaktrafficpower.comthetrafficdance.com 

Banners N More

You can now order banners or other small graphics (similar to stickers or badges)

Banners are 125 x 125 or 468 x 60 for $5.00 per banner (larger banners are negotiable)

Small graphics are $5.00 per image (larger images are negotiable)


Original Backgrounds

In an attempt
to keep things fresh and to better serve you I will continue to make new backgrounds and find fresh new clip art.

  Individual results will vary. Therefore a well planned marketing campaign should be utilized as well.

        ** Please be patient as my time online is limited. I will get back to you as soon as I can. **